Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Taking a Break from Fire Pits Lets Talk Hilarious Websites Instead

landscaping idea
So we here at Warming Trends are constantly searching the web for the latest in fire pit and outdoor burning system technology. And to be quite honest, sometimes that can grow old. So today, we are going to deviate from bring you the latest in fire pit news, by bringing you Warming Trends Top 5 Most Hilarious Websites (in our opinion of course).

In no particular order, here are five hilarious websites that you should check out when you have some time to kill:

1) - As a person who has done a ton, and I mean a ton, of contract web design and brand management for small businesses, this site is one of my personal favorites, because well, sometimes your clients are complete pains in the asses who think they know everything, what they want, etc., but in reality they have no idea what they are talking about. Below is an excerpt from

Client: I need you to reformat this so that it matches our new marketing and logo redesign.

Me: Okay. Can you send the new logo and some samples of your new marketing?

Client: Oh, we’re still deciding on that internally. Can’t you just take a few guesses in the meantime?

2) - Now, this is NOT SAFE FOR WORK, so let that be known first and foremost. Drunken texting can be almost as bad as drunken driving (obviously the latter is MUCH worse, and dont do it), but after reading texts from last night, you can see that alcohol and texting sometimes lead to nothing but loss of self respect, dignity and a lot of explaining to do. Here are a few examples:

(540): "He gave me a card that said "Im so glad we found each other... In the pants" and a pat on the head... My walk of Shame wasnt so bad."

(541): "She has puke on the back of her shirt not quite sure how the hell she did that."

(205): "Even completely stoned shes amazing on the piano. There are like 7 people sitting on the ground listening to her like shes the messiah."

(and those are the PG-Rated ones.....check out the site for more R and X rated texts from last night.....)

3) - This is a site that is an aggregate of stuff from all over the world and the internet. From funny street signs, to hilarious Facebook wall postings, to Twitter tweets, to my favorite so far, Unintentionally Inappropriate Test Responses from Young Children. These responses are hilarious because kids are innocent and dont understand adult humor, but after leafing through a few of these test responses, I guarantee you will be laughing your ass off. And again, a few of these arent safe for the work environment, so be careful who may be peeking over your shoulder. Here is an example that IS safe for work, but you should be able to get the idea:

4) - In this day and age of smart phone, that "convenient" autocorrect feature can make us look not so smart if we arent careful and double-checking our texting action. And with the advent of screengrabs on phones as well, these mistaken texts can be captured, posted and shared with the world. So next time you get ready to hit send on your phone, Id be a good idea to double-check your spelling. Again, PG examples listed below, but much more fun to be had at the site itself:

5) - And for the news buffs out there who love the whacky and weird, this site should tempt your taste buds. Fark is also an aggregate from around the globe, but these are news stories that seem to be fake, but are actually true. From interesting, to sappy, to amusing, to scary, to dumbass, categorizes each news story so that you can easily sift through countless strange news headlines and stories from around the globe. And just when you thought
the world couldnt get any weirder, it does. Here are a few headline examples:

"Jilted lover discovers new use for plastic pink flamingo. No not that kind of use, were talking more along the lines of a battering ram. With pics"

"Man is riding his bike across the country for suicide awareness. Vows to finish the trek or kill himself trying"

"Leading researcher says magic mushrooms could treat depression, details results of study involving seven pink unicorns, two rainbow colored Andean mountain goats and a really long chat with Jim Morrisons ghost"

Ok, thats all we here at Warming Trends have for today. A break from reality is needed every now and then. So sit back, relax and enjoy, because youve got some time to kill, and weve just given you enough to fill up at least half of that time...

Enjoy :)

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