Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cumberland Rosemary

landscaping idea

Conradina canescens
A low growing, evergreen shrub, reaching up to 2 feet in height, that is native to the Gulf Coast of the U.S.
The attractive foliage is fuzzy gray.
The pale lavender flowers are borne during early spring.
Hardy zones 7 to 10 in full sun. It is very tolerant of heat and humidity.

Conradina etonia ( Etonia Rosemary )
An extremely rare, densely branched shrub, reaching a maximum height of 5 feet, that is native to sandy scrublands in Putnam County, Florida where less than 1000 plants remain on a total of 8 sites. Etonia Rosemary was first discovered as late as 1990.
It is threatened with extinction in the wild.
The aromatic, hairy, rosemary-like leaves have rolled edges.
The lavender ( with deeper streaks ), double-lipped flowers are borne in clusters.
They attract butterflies and honey bees.
Hardy zone 8 in full sun on very well drained sandy soil. Very drought tolerant.

Conradina glabra ( Apalachicola Rosemary )
An extremely rare shrub, reaching up to 32 inches, that is native to Liberty County in Florida only, where only 10 populations are known. It is endangered with extinction in the wild. Some of the remaining populations are within Torreya State Park ( also containing the endangered Florida Torreya ).
The aromatic, linear, needle-like leaves are up to 0.6 inches in length.
The pale lavender ( with dark purple spotting ) flowers are double-lipped.
Hardy zones 8 in full sun on sandy soil.

Conradina verticillata ( Cumberland Rosemary )
A spiny, low, spreading, evergreen shrub, reaching a maximum size of 20 inches x 4 feet, that is native to the Cumberland Plateau in Kentucky and Tennessee where it grows along streams and the upper reaches of floodplains. It is extremely rare and isolated in the wild and is listed federally as threatened. The stems form spreading mats that root as they go.
The aromatic, linear leaves, borne in clusters are up to 1 inch in length. The deep green foliage resembles Rosemary in appearance and scent.
The fragrant, purple ( with red spotting on the lower lip ) double-lipped flowers, up to 1 inches in length, are borne during late spring into early summer.
The stems are shaggy and red.
Hardy zones 5 to 7 in full sun to partial shade on well drained soil. Prefers sandy or rocky soils and tolerates deep sands. Underused but surprisingly easy to grow as a landscape plant.

* photos taken on May 16 2011 in Washington, D.C.

A rare vigorous form with white flowers

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