Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Landscaping Designs for a Backyard Pond

landscaping idea

Types of Solutions Provided by interior Designer

Usually the interior Designer will provide solutions with three aspects. Solutions they provide would be functional and applicable to the environment. Secondly, such solutions should invariably enhance the quality in the interior environment of the structure with which they are working. Finally, the solution should also be aesthetically attractive and acceptable. At the same time with the customer consciousness about greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency across the globe, encouraging the principles of environmental sustainability would be the other requirement.

landscaping designs that are going around or near a pond can be a little tricky and there are a few things to keep in mind. Your landscaping designs should complement and accent the area around the pond without adding debris or without becoming an obstacle and interfering with the mechanisms that keep the water in motion. If your pond has fish or you are planning on some fish make sure you do not use any plants that will be toxic to them.

A bog garden is sometimes referred to as a water feature but is different from the traditional pond. A water garden of this type sometimes uses a pond liner that is perforated and you fill the pond with mixtures of soil, water, peat, and compost to create a bog. Some of the plants that can be used in this garden might be cattails, irises, bog rosemary, plantain lilies and turtlehead. You can even use some of these plants on the outside of the bog basin such as umbrella plants, tules, and cattails. The majority of the bog plants can easily be cared for in very moist soil or mud outside the bog garden where water flows through it on a daily basis.

The sounds of cascading or trickling water we find very pleasing and soothing. Because of this many of us feature waterfalls and water fountains into our Landscape designs in the backyard or garden. Running water is not only soothing but it aerates a pond, giving fish a wonderful habitat; it also keeps water moving so it does not become stagnate. A waterfall can be created by purchasing a pond fountain kit or you can use a heavy-duty pump powerful enough to cascade water down piles of rocks or a hand-built slide.

There are plants such as clivia and agapanthus that can be used as part of your pond landscaping designs along with a horizontal juniper that will work well next to the water. Some tropical plants such as yuccas and succulents also are good to use. Grasses, sedges, and rushes can also be included near the edge of the water and how about the movement of Miscanthus and bamboo in a breeze. Ferns are favorite perennials especially maiden hair, shield, and staghorn ferns along with the palm-like plant called cycad.

The plants that have parts that are toxic to fish are: amaryllis bulbs; anemone flowers; leaves and flowers of the angel trumpet tree; all of the azaleas and rhododendrons; bird of paradise seeds; calla lily leaves; crocus bulbs; wild and cultivated cherry foliage and twigs; entire delphinium; English ivy berries, all of the foxglove; holly berries and leaves; hydrangea, all parts; entire yellow jasmine; mistletoe berries; oleander leaves; all of the lily-of-the-valley; philodendron leaves and sap; flower and leaves of poinsettia; all of snapdragon; and all of the tiger lily. These are just a few; there are many more that you need to research before planting.

If you have a koi pond you will want to minimize the amount of sun and wind in order prevent algae and the "bleaching effect" on the fishes color from the sun. Most aquatic gardens need just the opposite; an ample amount of sunlight for plant growth. For ponds of this type the taller vertical elements should be placed at the northern end of the basin. The bunching of similar types of plants is more effective than having one of everything. Your best bet for ideas is to visit other aquatic Landscapes for some ideas or check out some garden books on water Landscape ideas.

In order for a complete picture try to include your entire yard so that everything blends together. Your regular flower garden should blend in naturally with your pond. Try to map everything out on paper during your planning stage and when you keep everything in mind you will not have problems. Your pond will look very complete and seem as though it has been there for many years with some beautiful landscaping designs.

Barbara has looked into landscaping designs to place around a water feature and has found some good ideas. Her website Gardeners Garden Supplies features many articles regarding the garden, landscaping and accessories, so please come for visit and leave your comments.

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